Performance Review Best Practice Sydney - Performance Booster


Performance review best practice no longer supports irregular tick and flick reviews. Best practice Performance Reviews are documented summary conversations from a  full year of regular performance conversations.



Key in the research for our Leadership Booster programs was the outcome and need for leaders to conduct performance conversations 365 days per year not just at performance review time



Organisations that need accountability and high performance need leaders that review, support, evaluate, nudge and motivate team members on a daily basis to be their best selves at work.


The Performance Booster Suite is 5 x 90-120 minute practical modules of face to face or
e-learning which covers the four critical performance conversations needed to ensure high performing team members and teams.


Performance Booster can be customised to your performance review calendar and language,  your culture and your colour scheme.


Best practice performance reviews have never been more successful at driving accountability and motivating high performance than when the leaders have great conversations that regularly trigger great performance.

Award-Winning Development

Performance Booster is here. The most successful suite of leadership development skill building from the Leadership Booster program, Performance Booster supports best practice performance conversations, reviews and appraisal processes.

Key in the research for our Leadership Booster programs was the outcome and need for leaders to conduct performance conversations 365 days per year not just at performance review time. Performance review best practice no longer supports irregular tick and flick reviews. Organisations that need accountability and high performance need leaders that review, support, evaluate, nudge and motivate team members on a daily basis to be their best selves at work.

The Performance Booster Suite is 5 x 90-120 minute modules of learning which covers the four critical performance conversations needed to ensure high performing team members and teams. The modules drive effective goals and expectations that are not just for the task focused KPI’s organisations measure but also the values and behaviours that organisations also need team members to be accountable for. More and more employees will only work for positive and optimistic cultures which transparently deliver and manage goals. Its alignment, KPI’s and values driven. The WHY, WHAT and HOW.

We believe these could be suited to the leadership skills needed for your Managers in implementing any performance review system with best practice leader conversations.

Performance Booster 1.0 is a series of modules that can be coached either face to face or over any video conference platform.

In 2018, Learning Ventures digitised this learning program to create weekly e-learning experiences followed by collaborative coaching circles to reinforce the takeaways and action plans. Performance Booster 2.0 is now a 20 weeks blended learning solution with self driven as well as collaborative interventions.

Best practice performance reviews have never been more successful at driving accountability and motivating high performance than when the leaders have great conversations that regularly trigger great performance.

Everything Your Leaders Need


Performance review best practice no longer supports irregular tick and flick reviews. Best practice Performance Reviews are documented summary conversations from a  full year of regular performance conversations.


Key in the research for our Leadership Booster programs was the outcome and need for leaders to conduct performance conversations 365 days per year not just at performance review time.


Organisations that need accountability and high performance need leaders that review, support, evaluate, nudge and motivate team members on a daily basis to be their best selves at work.


The Performance Booster Suite is 5 x 90-120 minute practical modules of face to face or
e-learning which covers the four critical performance conversations needed to ensure high performing team members and teams.


Performance Booster can be customised to your performance review calendar and language,  your culture and your colour scheme.


Best practice performance reviews have never been more successful at driving accountability and motivating high performance than when the leaders have great conversations that regularly trigger great performance.