2020 Free Webinars
Performance Management 2025 or 1995?
What’s next in driving high performance?
Welcome to 2020.
My first meeting this year was with a client to chat about learning to support the rollout of an improved performance review system.
It got me thinking; is a performance review process really best practice or is that a relic of the last decade of the decade before that.
Development Plans – A Great Retention Strategy
Millennials quote growth opportunities and companies being invested in their professional growth as one of the top reasons to STAY. 59% of millennials say professional development opportunities are the most important when weighing up the pro’s & con’s of a new job position.
So, how can we use development plans to drive this retention strategy?
Leading High Performing Virtual Teams: COVID-19
With the desire for flexible working arrangements, the benefits of diversity and the roll out of systems like the NBN, virtual teams are becoming more and more a reality. So, how can leaders get the best out of these unique team environments?
Virtual teams used to be just a benefit of flexible working arrangements or the tyranny of globalisation. Now they’re an essential part of COVID-19 self isolation and work from home.
Stress; COVID; Wellbeing: We’ve got the plan!
There’s no doubt about it – COVID-19 has brought heightened stress into our day-to-day lives. So what can leaders do to help mitigate this stress and ensure their team are working in a psychologically safe environment.
Business Book Clubs: COVID-Friendly Learning
There are so many great business books written each year – in 2019 more than 100,000.
And every business magazine, entrepreneur, business executive & consultant has a top 10.
So how do you;
1. Have the time to read them all?
2. Summarise the salient points to motivate your team?
Business Book Clubs are a great way to facilitate team building in an easy way.
Talent Blueprint for the New Normal
As we start to return to offices with visual cues and floor spots just like Woolies and Coles, we start to think about the new normal.
Critical will be retaining engagement with our talent so our organisations can thrive going forward. We will need to move quickly, the ground rules of pre-COVID may not hold in a world we are now in or the world going forward.
Make way for a new Blueprint for a mobile and engaged talent pool that supercharges the recovery.
The Rise of the Distributed Workforce
The 2020’s will be the most disruptive decade on record. COVID 19 has simply pulled back to curtain on how fragile things already were. Do we just go back to the glory days or embrace our new workforce?
In this webinar we will look at:
- Workplace disruption
- How smaller, hungrier and more adaptable organisations will lead
- It’s about mindsets, beliefs, values and rewards
- It’s the combination of technology, workforce design and capability
Pivot, Change, Lurch – What’s Next?
Embracing Change for Good
They say the 2020’s will be the most disruptive on record. The speed of change is bracing and our people are facing huge changes to the way they work and live; to the way we now need to communicate; to how they envisaged their career; to how they commute or not to work.
Reinvent your Organisation for Speed
The speed of change is now at breakneck speed.
Business as usual or even business transformation can’t and won’t cut it anymore. In our final “Coping with COVID” series of webinars, we focus on getting things done.
How do you Re-energise your Virtual Leaders?
It seems COVID and change and ‘pivoting’ is starting to take its toll. Gone are the sourdough baking plans, creative virtual team meetings and energised Zoomers. Leaders are tired. Are you? Is your team?