2017 Free Webinars
How do Accor Hotels Motivate Millennials?
According to Alec Levenson*, Millennials are both ‘entitled’ AND ‘hard-working’.
How do we equip our leaders with the skills for regular conversations which harness Millennials to both deliver business results AND ensure their loyalty?
5 Ways to Fast Track Learning
Help learners gain a deeper level of discovery and understanding on a topic by adding challenging experiences which will drive both motivation and results.
Email Kills Connection
Help Leaders have better conversations
Little by little technology is subtly destroying human interactions.
Leaders now need tools to enable better conversations that improve engagement and team performance.
Is Leadership Broken?
What 2020 demands of our Leaders
The new world is upon us and our leaders need to change.
Harnessing diversity and energy in a fast paced world takes leadership by everyone – from Graduate to CEO.
Is the “9 Box Grid” Best Practice?
Developing TALENT For The Future
According to the Corporate Leadership Council, 75% of companies do not have enough talent to drive future business, yet 65% of the same companies are not effective at identifying & developing the talent they have.
Reshaping Corporate Culture
Creating Agile & Modern Corporate Ecosystems
Today more & more, the word “Ecosystem” is replacing “Culture” as the way to describe modern or agile organisations. Regardless of the word used, the benefit of an agile corporate culture that millennials gravitate to work for, can account for a 20-30% differential in performance compared to culturally unremarkable organisations. So why wouldn’t it be our No 1 strategy?
The 100 Year Life
How Can Workforces Leverage This Change?
According to the Linda Gratton & Andrew Scott book released last year, 50% of the children born today will live to 100. This increased longevity will have major implications on how people manage their work and career. Yet their research shows that while people are becoming conscious of lengthening work lives, corporations are unprepared.
Retaining Top Talent
So you’ve already identified your top talent, they are performing well and there are succession plans in place. But how do you make sure that you retain them and they don’t ‘jump ship’?
There are many traditional retention levers that are still important, but as our workforces change there are new and and emerging factors which are pushing through. At the moment they may feel like icing on the cake but down the track they will be expected.
So what are these levers, and how can we adopt them ahead of the curve, to both ‘attract the best’ and ‘keep the best’?
Is your LMS headed for extinction?
By it’s very name, a Learning Management System was originally designed and rolled out to benefit learning administrators through implementation and tracking. They are built for short term memory jogs and long term compliance. But as our learning methods evolve, how is this impacting the learner, and holistic learning outcomes?
RIP Performance Review – What Happened Next?
In 2016, the word spread that the annual performance review was dead!!!!
Many future focused organisations redesigned their process and their people to focus on more regular check-ins to drive high performance.
BUT what happened? In this webinar we look at some case studies that show this movement still has a long way to go.