Leadership Booster
Business leaders today are required to use a myriad of leadership skills in order to handle the varied challenges they face on a day to day basis. Today’s complex digital world has us leading 3-4 generations of team members, it has us working with more complex problems and the speed of change continues to accelerate. Leadership Development needs to be very different to cope with our modern digital world and the way we all like to independently learn.
Created for the new digital environment Leadership Booster is revolutionary leadership development and leadership skill development.
Based on a combination of collaborative learning and learning circle theory; Leadership Booster is 20 x 2 hour modules of leadership skills and concepts.
Groups of 6 – 8 circle members embark on a learning journey together. The blended journey combines 2 hour facilitated modules of a single leadership skill each time combined with preparation, on the job practice, feedback, reflection and the support and accountability for implementation and behaviour change. This accelerates the leadership skills development process.
Modules are best rolled out every 2-4 weeks. They can be facilitated locally in a face to face meeting or virtually over any of the virtual collaborative meeting or video conference solutions available. Meaning your circle members do not need to travel to successfully learn and develop.
Leadership Booster modules range from foundation skills such as communications, listening, feedback and coaching to the four major performance conversations; there are leadership skills to improve team effectiveness and skills to improve personal leadership effectiveness.
Implementations are possible in many ways with the leadership booster development programs and modules designed to be facilitated by any accredited coach, so organisations can use their own facilitators or accredited leadership booster coaches to rollout your programs.
Materials are high quality and support the learner throughout the whole blended leadership development program.
Contact us to learn about successful and evidence based ROI from implementations of leadership skills that have delivered globally over the past few years.
Booster Modules Examples
In total you can select from over 40 hours of facilitated leadership development, supplemented by over 40 hours of blended and on the job learning components and supported by your learning circle peers and your Leadership Booster Coach.
This is not e-learning or self-directed learning but fully supported collaborative learning.
- Leadership Booster can be coached or facilitated by any Booster Coach
- To become a Booster Coach, leaders need to attend a two day Booster Coach Accreditation Course
- Some of the best Booster Coaches are Managers or Talent from within your business. This really implements the theory of “Leader as Coach”
- Programs can be customized in terms of adding additional two hour modules to cover additional or company specific processes such as The Performance Review Process or Formal Performance Management
- Programs and Materials can all be customized in terms of look and feel, even video’s can be customized
- The collaborative and learning circle process accelerates the implementation and development process
- Real networks are created particularly if these programs are supplemented with social networks for additional support and socialisation between modules
- Materials are high quality; workbooks, facilitator/coach materials, video’s or tutorial guides. It is a complete package
- With over 70 years of L & D experience behind us, all implementations are supported by our Booster Coach Learning Centre and our consultants, we work in partnership with you to ensure success